
Learning Module: Selecting Spatial References for Spatial Analysis


This module exposes you to the various spatial reference systems that are available for performing spatial analysis.

Learning Outcomes

Reading (optional)


Projection Summary YouTube Video


Understanding how projections work is a challenge for almost all students. Two methods for getting a better understanding for how we convert spherical data to planar data are:

  1. Optional: Find an "American Educational Map Projection Model" and play with the overlays on the globe until you can visualize data on a sphere being "projected" onto the two dimensional overlays.
  2. Purchase an inflatable globe and then cut it open along a meridian line (line of longitude). Notice that it will not lay flat. Make additional cuts trying to make the earth lay on a flat surface. This is actually quite difficult even though the globe was created using strips that were originally flat!

Both of these activities help illustrate a key concept that no matter how we "project" data there will always be some distortion.

Additional activities


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